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Charity & Blockchain

2020 - Present


After several online classes studying blockchain, the potential for allocating a 

% of royalties through the resale of the glass Kraken Artworks was discovered. Charity through art.


First minted on Waves, Eth, and then finding a home on Cardano. The lowest carbon footprint blockchain.

2018 - 2019


At the end of 2017, 10% of Kraken sales went to several ocean charities. Lonely Whale, Save Our Shores, and then The Coral Restoration of Key Largo, FL. 


2016 - 2017


With a love for the ocean and growing up in a beach community, the Krakens became the focus of brand. 


2013 -2015

Nomadic Lifestyle

2014 as a glass artist living the nomadic lifestyle, Krakens became a symbolic metaphor. 

Kraken Koin.png

Gen1 FAQ Links

How to scoop a previously hatch

Kraken and its NFT?

Gen2 FAQ Links

NFT Marketplace links


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